Laughter Yoga Salon NYC with Francine Shore

Laughter Yoga Baby Boomers


We boomers are constantly redefining and reinventing our lifestyles. As we juggle hectic schedules, push through milestones, celebrate achievements and successes, and cope with sorrows and losses, we are also dealing with changes in our own bodies. Through embracing a laughter lifestyle, we can creatively explore new, innovative and joyful ways to pursue a positive mantra for this extraordinary time in our lives.

Sometimes in this world we need to search out the good news. We read the paper or turn on the television and the images can be heart wrenching and often downright depressing. Statistics show that one out of every four persons is absent from work due to a stress related illness.

BUT...there has been a paradigmatic shift in the lives we lead. As we  Baby Boomers approach our fifties and sixties, we recognize the healthy, positive benefits of laughter. After all, we all need a good dose of levity…and the saying in Laughter Yoga is “ fake it ‘til you make it!”

Francine will spice up your next boomer event…for single mixers, positive body image workshops and milestone celebrations: birthdays, anniversaries, births/rebirths, graduations, promotions, or couples counseling…all through a laughter lifestyle.

Francine Shore is a Certified Laughter Teacher and Coach with training from Dr. Madan Kataria, and, as Event Director, has spearheaded World Laughter Day NYC. For information about your next Laughter Yoga Stress Reduction Workshop or to spice up your next event or soiree please contact:

      francine shore                  telephone: 917.620.7045                    email:

talkin ‘bout my generation...

baby boomers embrace

a laughter lifestyle!

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laughter yoga salon NYC

laughter yoga NYC

 copyright © 2012 grabbagiraffe laughter club NYC ™ ❘ The Laughter Yoga Salon NYC ❘ NYC’s Laughter Ambassador Francine Shore
Laughter Yoga NYC ❘ NYC’s Laughter Stylist™ ❘ Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher ❘ Laughter Coach ❘ Counselor ❘ Laughing Yoga
what is
laughter yoga?aboutlaughteryoga.htmlaboutlaughteryoga.htmlshapeimage_9_link_0shapeimage_9_link_1
sponsor world laughter day!worldlaughterday.htmlworldlaughterday.htmlshapeimage_10_link_0shapeimage_10_link_1
the laughter salonlaughtersalonNYC.htmllaughtersalonNYC.htmlshapeimage_11_link_0shapeimage_11_link_1
francine’s biofrancineshorebio.htmlshapeimage_12_link_0
kid stuffkidstuff.htmlshapeimage_13_link_0
corporate events & workshopscorporateeventsandworkshops.htmlcorporateeventsandworkshops.htmlshapeimage_14_link_0shapeimage_14_link_1
dr. katariadrkataria.htmlshapeimage_15_link_0
famous laughter quotesfamouslaughterquotes.htmlfamouslaughterquotes.htmlshapeimage_17_link_0shapeimage_17_link_1
photo galleryphotogallery.htmlshapeimage_18_link_0
health perkslaughteryogahealthperks.htmlshapeimage_19_link_0
bridal partieslaughteryogabridalparties.htmlshapeimage_21_link_0